1.In narrative, the reporting verb is in the past tense.
在叙述过程中, 间接引语的动词通常用过去式。
2.This year's copy contains no innovations over those in the past.
3.In the past few decades foreign goods flooded the markets of the developing countries.
4.As we've said many times in the past, graphics is almost infinitely parallelizable.
5.It falls to our generation to fulfill the great aspirations cherished by countless martyrs in the past.
6.In the past in France, friendships of this kind selfdom were open to any but intellectual women.
7.In the past, Thinnet coaxial cable with an outside diameter of only 0.35 cm was used in Ethernet networks.
8.Patricia metham, the headmistress, said the number of applicants from mainland China had trebled in the past three years.
9.The Dow Jones Apartment REIT subindex is down 8.6% year-to-date, though the stocks have rallied in the past month.
10.In the past, a 0.13% water solution (1:750) of Zephiran Chloride (benzalkonium chloride solution, NF) was used successfully.
11.Bicycles are regarded as an economical alternative to buses whose fares have increased 5 times in the past 3 years.
12.But underneath the triumphalist statements and the quick profits lies a system that has cost retail investors dear in the past.
13.New world records in the track and field events are chalked up from time to time in the past few years.
14.Drag the exposure in the past, solvent and film resin acylamide assiociation, deterring effect, makes it hard to dissolve in alkaline solution.
15.EPID plays an important role in quality assurance of radiotherapy accessories including multileaf collimator(MLC)that has been most studied in the past couple ...
16.I will repeople you as in the past, and be more generous to you than in the beginning;thus you shall know that I am the LORD.
17.In the past ten years, IT`S SHOW INTERNATIONAL ENTERPRISE was always involed in management of franchise chain in leatherware industry and provide aid to every franchise chain agent.
18.' What gives a better impression of the Giggs years of overachievement at Manchester United is his blase, throwaway remark about Arsenal and Chelsea's success in the past three seasons.
19.As a kind of design of promotion flackery, the design of real estate description focused on the apparent functions but ignored the study of systematic theories which even was blank in the past.
20.As a result of UNISET main drive gearbox in the past had a gear broken teeth that first turn on the unit's main gear box, examine the gear, cone-shaped gear found safe and sound.